Make Saving Even Better With a Tax-Free Term!
A tax-free term is another awesome product Hubert offers to help build your savings. A tax-free term comes with all the benefits of a TFSA with a higher interest rate! With five options to choose from (from a one-year quarterly term to a five-year term), you can select the one that best fits your savings plan.
- Interest calculated and compounded annually.
- 100% guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.
- $1,000 minimum balance required.
- One-year to five-year terms non-redeemable.
Please note, you need to deposit new contributions from your Hubert account or external account into your TFSA high-interest savings account first before investing it into a TFSA term deposit.
If you think you may need your funds before your term matures, consider our high-interest TFSA instead. You’ll still earn a great interest rate and can use your funds (tax-free!) at any time.